Student Well - Being

The administration of Leera constantly is seeking to improve the services we provide. Please take a moment to share with us your thoughts and experiences. Your feedback is very much appreciated. For your convenience, we provide questions in both English and Swahili.

Uongozi wa Leera School unapenda kuimarisha utendaji wake katika kuleta Elimu iliyo bora. Tafadhali, tusaidie kutoa maoni yako kuhusu Shule. Maoni yako tunayajali sana. Ili tufikie malengo, tumendaa hili dodoso kwa kingereza na Kiswahili pia.

- The Leera School Management

1 of 13School Level in which your child is?
Ngazi ya shule ambapo yupo mwanao?

2 of 13Does your child like coming to school?
Je mwanao anapenda kuhudhuria masomo yake hapa skuli?

Not at all
Very much

3 of 13Does your child feel safe at school?
Je mwanao anajihisi yupo kwenye mazingira salama akiwa skuli?

4 of 13Does your child ever complain about ‘bullying’? Je, mwanao amewahi kulalamika kuhusu uonevu wowote?

5 of 13Does the curriculum we offer provide appropriate learning opportunities for your child? Je, mitaala inayofundishwa inampa mwanao fursa sahihi za kimasomo?

6 of 13Is your child sufficiently challenged academically at school? Je, mwanao anapata changamoto za kutosha zinazopima uwezo wake wakimasomo?

7 of 13Does the school communicate effectively with the parent/guardian? Je, skuli inawasialiana uzuri na mzee/mlezi?

8 of 13Do you access information on one of our social media pages?
Je unafuatilia taarifa za skuli kwenye tovuti yetu na mitandao ya kijamii ya skuli?

9 of 13Does the school leadership promotes high standards and values?
Je, Uongozi wa skuli unafanya kazi kwa maadili ya haliyajuu?

10 of 13Does the school leadership acts fairly and with integrity?
Je, Uongozi wa skuli unafanyakazi kwa haki na uadilifu?

11 of 13Is your child uncomfortable with any particular teacher?
Je mwanao ana hofu yoyote ya mwalimu wake?

12 of 13Is there anything you would like to change at Leera School?
Je kuna chochote ungependelea kubadilisha katika shule ya Leera?

13 of 13Please fill with your details